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Okay, first and foremost, the gameplay of this is absolute dogshit. It's mind-numbingly tedious, clunky, offensive at points, it feels like it had no thought put into it. The story and writing on the other hand? One of the best ever, immaculate, nigh perfect, untouchable, in a league of it's own. Every single ounce of creativity went into the writing, the characters, the setting, the feeling of bittersweet goodbyes, all-too-soon farewells. Never has a game made me genuinely care about the fate of a character more than this. Now, I hate the statement "_____ broke me". It exudes a lack of life experience, of soul, of human interaction and love for your fellow man. But when I had first played it, I was legitimately affected by P.F. running out of battery before she could fully say what she wanted. I was unironically ruined for a couple of days and whenever I remembered, I would choke up and fight for my life in order to prevent myself from sobbing in public. The melancholic atmosphere combined with the rich world building and out of the way story telling are masterful. The ending just being as bittersweet and realistic ties everything up perfectly. Incredible.