Look, I realize why people love this game: it's the first real Fallout since Fallout 2, it truly allows you to role-play a character and find ways of succeeding due to a staggering amount of solutions to any given quest. It dumpsters Bethesda's effort design and narrative wise. I agree with most common sentiments without a problem.

However, there is ONE problem: the game is god-darn ugly.

And I truly mean it. It is hard on the eyes. I dare you to play this for a couple of dozen of hours and tell me that the vaults do not blend into one indistinguishable mess of bland textures and almost copy-pasted layouts. Video games are a visual art form, too -- we either judge them wholly or not at all.

And yes, Obsidian were hard pressed and under a very rigorous deadline to complete it. That's why there is ultimately a lack of visual polish -- one that gets in front of me enjoying it past a certain point -- which is why I do not herald it nearly as highly as others, despite loving RPGs to death.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2024
