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60h 0m

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1 day

Last played

April 25, 2024

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I got this game for free from Epic Games and I have to say it was one of the best things that ever happened to me as a gamer. I've been a fan of the franchise since 2017/2018, I played and replayed 3 about 10 times (Or even more), and I already knew about New Vegas, I wanted to play it since I got sick of playing 3 at the time, but I didn't have any money or where to play it, until take my mother's notebook and get the game for free. I played for hours and hours, I'm not even sure how much time I spent playing, but I only actually reached the end 3 times and I beat the Old World Blues and Honest Hearts DLCs twice, in addition to beating Dead Money as well. About the game itself, it's hard to say how much I loved playing and exploring the Mojave Desert, even though it still has problems from its predecessor, such as graphical and gameplay problems (Problems with saving, reputation, crashes, etc...), FNV is deservedly the best game in the entire franchise, although I prefer the gameplay and motor graphics of 4 and still think that the story of 1 and 2 are the best, New Vegas is the closest we will have to a balance between fun gameplay and a well constructed story.
The world reacts to the player's actions and the player also reacts to the world's actions, your choices really have weight and affect not only the story but your gameplay and the way they treat you in the game, it is rare to see a game where the developers ( Even though with such a short deadline they put so much care into the project they were building, the characters are very charismatic, they have captivating stories and truly convincing and ambiguous motivations, nothing is black and white, but rather gray. Each action you take has a different impact on the world, a decision you make can be praised by one character but can be a death sentence for another, apart from the development of characters, especially companions. The level of detail and concern they had in giving a different past, developments and endings to each companion in the game is bizarre, each one being based on the way the player influenced their actions during the game, maintaining the essence of their personalities and the at the same time giving value to the Courier's shares. The gameplay, on the other hand, is a bit slow, if you're not very fresh and play mostly with firearms or energy weapons, the gameplay will be less boring, but depending on your character's build, the game can be very easy, even in Hardcore mode. , which is a bit disappointing, because at a certain point in the game you are practically immortal and you don't even need your companions (Boone alone crushes about 50% of almost all enemies in the game with one shot, there were times when I only gained xp out of nowhere and when I looked back I only saw him putting the gun away). Besides, despite being better than 3, the combat is still not very immersive or realistic, in this I recognize that its successor hit the nail on the head in terms of physics and "realism", besides the fact that the game doesn't use all of its mechanics, which is also Depressingly, I went through the whole game without needing to use the survival skill or other mechanics simply because the game doesn't encourage them in any way, you can just play by leveling up speech, guns, lockpick and science and that's it, you don't need almost anything else in the game , you can try other mechanics but there is a lack of encouragement and practical ways to use them. Finally, my last point is that I believe there was a little lack of clarity in certain missions in the game along with the map, I got lost several times in the gameplay due to the inaccuracy of the pip-boy in instructing me to navigate not only in the open world but also in closed places , apart from the fact that in some missions (Like the one with the NCR radio tower spy), there is no certain clarity in the objectives of the mission, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so long, even some missions in the game could be longer faster if the route the player needs to take was clearer (Not only in the pip-boy but in the game's mute) and more practical too, or maybe I'm just slow and didn't pay attention properly perhaps.
Well, besides this game is worthy of having the name Fallout in the title, even with its problems the story is good and has fun gameplay, I really hope that one day they will look more fondly at this game and give it its due recognition, a remake in graphics and gameplay (And some more updates for newer consoles and PCs) would be more than welcome. In my humble opinion, it is not only the best game in the Fallout franchise, but also one of the most memorable games of my life.