Major points for this game being unique, but it does feel rather stale. Though I'm not sure how exciting being a delivery driver can be, cyberpunk or not. Shrugs You meet a few interesting characters along the way, but none better than your dog companion who is now an AI. Every time he chimes in it's a treat. In the grand picture of gaming Cloudpunk is easily lost, but this is a journey I don't regret going on.

A lot better than I expected. Definitely wasn't expecting to cry at a Guardians of the Galaxy game. The combat system isn't bad. It does a good job of incorporating all of the characters into the fight. Major points for not being another Arkham copy with the combat. I've never heard so much banter and dialogue in a game before. Is best taken very slow. I stood around in several corridors shocked that the team had something else to say about what had just occurred. It's a shame we will probably never get a sequel. It didn't make the splash that Square Enix thought it would, but honestly it's their fault for not promoting it better. This should have been on everyone's radar. Great time.