Major points for this game being unique, but it does feel rather stale. Though I'm not sure how exciting being a delivery driver can be, cyberpunk or not. Shrugs You meet a few interesting characters along the way, but none better than your dog companion who is now an AI. Every time he chimes in it's a treat. In the grand picture of gaming Cloudpunk is easily lost, but this is a journey I don't regret going on.

A lot better than I expected. Definitely wasn't expecting to cry at a Guardians of the Galaxy game. The combat system isn't bad. It does a good job of incorporating all of the characters into the fight. Major points for not being another Arkham copy with the combat. I've never heard so much banter and dialogue in a game before. Is best taken very slow. I stood around in several corridors shocked that the team had something else to say about what had just occurred. It's a shame we will probably never get a sequel. It didn't make the splash that Square Enix thought it would, but honestly it's their fault for not promoting it better. This should have been on everyone's radar. Great time.

What starts off a chill and good time quickly turns into an annoyance. If you persevere, what's an annoyance quickly turns into an infuriating experience.

When I started the game I remember thinking they should make more of these. It's just simple and fun. The levels naturally get more challenging as you progress, and the hard stages are pretty challenging. Then comes expert. I had to backtrack and get more medals to unlock the expert tier. Which felt annoying, but I didn't mind. I'd been having a decent time after all. After what felt being forced to 'Git Gud' I unlocked the experts tier and fun stopped. All the sudden it felt like I was slamming my head into a wall. Gone were the stages of having 1-10 bails on a run. You finish with more like 50 bails. All you have to do is finish the run for a bronze medal though. Which you would think would be a good thing. Hey at least the games letting me progress! Nope.. if you suffer through the expert tier you'll be hit with another unlock wall. You haven't earned enough medals for the master tier! So I went back to working on previous stages when I finally realized I hated what I was doing. Master tier is exactly that, for masters. I have no interest in mastering this game, nor the time considering how many games are out there.

If you're like me and are into completing games, this is going to end up pissing you off. I would have never touched this if I knew I couldn't complete it. The refreshing feeling I got in the early game is far outweighed by the bitterness I have for it in the end.

If you decide to play this, stop when you stop having fun... But with advice like that, why not just play something else? >_<)

This is a well-made game. A 2D Souls like. Some people love it, others hate it. I enjoyed it for what it is. Although it was trying way too hard to be mysterious in my opinion. Just tell the damn story if you have one... And if you don't just write something simple and focus on the gameplay. That's what we're here for anyway. You're not Miyazaki.

Gameplay is good though. If you like souls, and you like 2D, you're going to have fun Gitting Gud with this one.

Wow, what were the writers thinking? No spoilers here, but yikes man. Borderlands was never meant to be taken seriously, but after several entries these ridiculous characters have become household names. It's pretty hard not to screw it up. It's Borderlands for crying out loud! Not all the writing is bad though. I chuckled at a number of things. That Borderlands humor is still there. It's just when the cringe hits, it hits hard. Maybe it divided the room when gamers admitted that we got a little emotional over the Tiny Tina DLC. Maybe half the room was trying to recreate that dramatic feeling? I don't know, but holy cringe.

But you're probably not playing Borderlands for the story right? I've got great news! It looks better than ever. It's smoother than ever and the guns are better than ever!

Shoot! Loot! Level Up! Repeat! . . With a bit of cringe mixed in. >_<)

By the way, 2 season passes!? This has to stop.

It's all already been said.. but to throw my two cents in with everyone- Yes it's a good game.

This is the only farm style game I've ever played. I basically have no frame of reference for this genre.. but when a game can make chores fun? Yeah, it's doing something right.

I had a lot of fun building my farm, growing relationships, making new discoveries, but heading into year 3 the chores finally felt like chores. I knew it was time to retire.

Three years may sound like a short time. Some people play this game for 10 years and have multiple farms! I managed to rack up 78 hours of gameplay at the third year, so I can definitely recommend this to anyone considering it.

Do yourself a favor and don't look things up. I'm glad I didn't. Looking things up is going to make chores stop being fun and start feeling like actual chores sooner. Happy Farming! ^_^)

I never played the original with tank controls, but I think the tank controls may have been a bit much looking back. I just know I would have gotten frustrated at times with those controls in this type of combat. The camera angles are phenomenal, definitely has that resident evil feel. I can't believe it took me so many years to give this one a shot. Worth it.

Everybody's got their one right? The Pokemon game that was their first. Mine was yellow, and just happens to be my favorite of all time. Not just because of blind nostalgia, but because of Pikachu.

Instead of having to pick one of the three starters, you have a Pikachu that follows you permanently in your party and you easily acquire all three starters throughout your journey. Making it feel like the anime.

I've heard people call this one difficult because you have Pikachu stuck in your party. ??? You can easily have all three starters with no trading!!

Anyways.. it's just classic pokémon. And if you loved the anime, this one really lets you feel like ash. At least in my opinion. I loved it. 10/10 with nostalgia goggles. O_o)

By the way... A wild Zubat appeared... FUUUuuUuUuUuuUU

My very first impression was fantastic. It was fast and brutal. I had that unique adrenaline feel of Doom. Unfortunately unnecessary platforming was introduced. I knew that was going to drag the experience down for me. Then it showed off instant death mechanics. Getting smashed by a trap or sliced by a giant saw. I can see people liking this, but not me.

Slow, clunky, and . . . That's okay? =-0

This game has a lot of issues, and what seems like a brief identity crisis.. but it has a lot of charm for me. It's weird to have nostalgia for something so mediocre, but this released before it started raining souls likes. I made the best of it.

This was pretty disappointing in 2014. If you're thinking about trying it today it will probably be even more so... But I like it! =-P

Good heavens no. Look, I love jank. When I heard people complaining about this being a janky Mass Effect I got excited. I thought best case scenario maybe it's like Technomancer. No.. this is not the charming jank that's lovable. It's not Risen, Greedfall, not even Mars War Logs! This is BAD. If you end up giving it a shot like I did, you'll probably waste a few hours before eventually just saying no.. No more. >_<)

I hate to be that guy. I feel like I'm alone in this. I have no idea how anybody loves this game. Sure I'm several years late but dude... I thought maybe it's nostalgia for people. It's just a zombie slapping good time, except it isn't...

The first zombie I killed I immediately noticed there was no follow-up. Couldn't hit them while they were on the ground. No head stomping nothing. Then I realized the zombie death counter. I had just randomly slapped a zombie to death. Does the main character Frank train with Mike Tyson or something? But seriously... I get that the charm of the game is running around and bashing zombies with TVs, toys, chairs and whatever the hell. But even that didn't feel particularly great. Maybe I played too many better zombie games to get it, but the combat wasn't there.

Then there's the guns. Yes there's guns in this game, and enemies that aren't zombies. I quickly realized that the shooting mechanics are terrible. You can't aim and shoot. You could argue that Frank is a photographer and isn't supposed to be good at shooting, fine.. but the guns have range to them. If you fire so far your bullet just disappears. You can argue that the developers didn't want guns to be overpowered, fine... But in the very first mission of the game you run into a guy with an SMG. I quickly found out that his gun not only stun locks my character (boy do I love that) but it does further range than my pistol. Screw this, I'm going to get right up on the guy and beat him with a bat!! Nope. He smacks me and Frank goes comically flying in the air as if he'd been hit by a bus. Alright.... Well I'll just get under him and get the angle. Did I mention he's a bullet sponge? Cause he's a bullet sponge.. no headshot for this guy. It doesn't matter because when I get under him he starts lobbing grenades.

As much as I hated all of this I kept going. I tried to save some people and ran into the worst AI I have ever seen. Well, maybe not ever.. but in a game that I thought was a guarantee good time for what I've heard over the years this AI is horrendous. I had to pick up chairs and move them so my followers would quit running into them. SEVERAL TIMES. They never take the obvious route. Ever. I'm spamming follow me hoping it'll make a difference and that they'll stay right behind me but they always drift off into danger. I thought the side quest would be the best part of the game. Besides smacking zombies around of course. But they're all horrible. Did I mention there's a Time limit? Yeah there's a time limit... If you can manage to get these idiots to follow you you'll probably find out that you're locked out of backtracking several ways in the mall, now you have to turn around and go back down the same corridor. There's so much more shit...

I just... I hated it. I hated every bit of it. Maybe I'm going too hard on it, but I don't think so. I know people like it, but I just don't get it.

The story for this game points to the writers being divided... But with something in development so long it's not a surprise. It seems some wanted a serious apocalyptic drama a times, and other wanted a carefree and silly experience. Weather dramatic or ridiculous, you meet interesting characters throughout the game.

But let's be real... You weren't playing Dead Island for the story. You want to drop kick zombies into vats of acid. Lucky for all of us, that's what it does well! ^_^)

This game is obviously a lot better with friends.. but if you're a single player person like me I've got great news. It is a ton more forgiving than the previous entries!

In previous Dead Island games specific characters were good at specific things. Blunt weapons for one guy, sharp for another, a gun's expert, all creating an all around group. In Dead Island 2 it doesn't matter if you pick up a katana or a baseball bat. All characters can wield all weapons. Making single player a lot less frustrating than previous Dead Island.

It's a fun time even without friends. If you want a zone out and kick a Karen or Chad through a coffee shop window. Oh yeah, this is the game for you! =P

Very short, but very polished! I enjoyed my time with this game. Though there were some chance sequences that were ruined by me clipping into something and it slowing me down.

Badass ending. I mean I really loved the ending. Great time.

The way people talked about this game I was half expecting the next Journey!

Yeah... It's not Journey. I know everyone wants the next Edith Finch when it comes to these walking sim style games. This just isn't it. Not for me at least.

You play as a young musician struggling to find his own sound. Buried in the shadow his uncle who was a famous folk artist. At times it feels like the character is finding himself, abandoning expectations, and learning not to care what others think. Unfortunately the majority of the game just feels like nonsense all slapped together as an excuse to show of crazy visuals and wild art. Seriously, don't try to make much sense of what's going on. The art is really good though. It's impossible to play this game without having a "wow look at that" moment along the way.

These style of games aren't really my thing, but I respect it for what it is. I always say these are less games and more experiences. It doesn't overstay it's welcome, which for someone like me is a great thing. I was starting to itch for some gameplay.