After Star Allies showed the post Return to Dreamland 2-D Kirby style had been run into the ground Hal has finally brought Kirby into 3-D, kinda. The immediate benefit of the jump to 3D is that this is the first Kirby game since Kirby 64 where the levels really feel like places. Every level has its own mini theme within the wider world and they all feel like real places rather then random collections of platforming rooms connected by teleporters. Everything else however has taken a massive hit in the jump to 3-D. There are less copy abilities and each copy ability has less moves, there is a vertical cap on Kirby's float which leaves the levels boxy and flat, and the dash lacks the momentum it had in 2-D. The graphics are also pretty poor for the game being locked to 30 FPS, having frame drops, and a really shit draw distance. A game which frequently walks the line between engaging and snooze enduing and frequently trips into the latter category.

Reviewed on May 14, 2022
