Amazing movie, boring game

Uncharted four did away with many of the amazing set-piece moments and unique gameplay scenarios from three, and I never stopped missing them. God of War's jump to PS4 worked so much better for me because the more grounded tone and mature characterization was complimented with more complex and personal gameplay: Uncharted wasn't. The gameplay of four feels practically identical to the original trilogy with few major alterations. The grappling hook is nice, but it's not enough.

I feel many people wouldn't care about that, and enjoy A Thief's End for the experience of a movie with a controller, rather than a game. If that is what you want, you've come to the right place: Uncharted four is still probably the most beautiful game I've ever played even after more then five years. The attention to detail, sharp writing, and brisk pace of the first half of the game is so captivating that I'm sure many wouldn't be bothered the gameplay isn't up to the same standard. Believe me, if I were jugging this game as an interactive movie, it would fare far better.

Unfortunately, even in that regard, it isn't perfect. I found the game's pace to waiver when you get to the latter half. Much like Uncharted Two, the gameplay devolves into repetitive shootouts and the level design varies very little toward the end. I also felt the game was rather halfhearted about the more mature tone; several characters make some very bad decisions and never need to face the consequences. Also...

Rant in 3... 2... 1...

I'M SICK OF JUNGLE LEVELS IN UNCHARTED GAMES! In Uncharted One you literally leave one jungle just to go to another and spend the rest of the game there. Uncharted Two has Borneo, and Uncharted Three has France. I haven't played Golden Abyss, nor have I played Lost Legacy in a while, but I'm pretty sure they're rife with jungles. Uncharted four had great level variety up to a point, but once you get to Madagascar, you're there the rest of the game and it goes on at least an hour longer than it needs to. The game's excellent final boss fight is the only thing that kept me going honestly: Uncharted Four's final boss is better than every final boss in the original trilogy put together. I also found Rafe to be an excellent villain in general: a perfect foil to Nate, all of the glory and none of the greatness. He felt like a version of Harry Flynn who had a motive that made sense and a role fitting his character.

If you like the idea of a movie with a controller, you'll probably like this game a lot more than I did. I still enjoyed my time with Uncharted Four, but I don't see where people are coming from when they say it is a better game than Three.

Seriously, I need to re-review Uncharted 3. That game deserves it.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2022
