Another banger.

Megaman X2 brings more of the great music, fast gameplay, and satisfying combat which made its predecessor a masterpiece. The new set of Mavericks were a blast to fight, the new items were satisfying to collect, and the addition of the three optional bosses was a brilliant touch which provided and added layer of challenge and helped X2 stand out from other games in the series.

Some consider this game as good as the original, and while I'd certainly call it a worthy successor, I can't say it's as good: some of the Mavericks were a bit too goofy, many of the collectables were more frustrating to find(the heart container in Wire Sponge's lair comes to mind) and not as helpful. The intro level was weaker and SIgma had much less stage presence. And no, that last problem won't get better in later games.

Nitpicks aside, I'm giving this game two thumbs up. Play it if you haven't already.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2022
