4 reviews liked by Random_Numbers

Man I love this game! It's so scary! Half the time I'm just hiding in lockers and being brave isn't enough. The A.I they used for the Alien is absolutely terrifiying in that it learns. For example if you hide exclusively in lockers, the alien will start checking lockers more often. The story is also great, and overall, it's my favorite horror game.

Fun with friends, especially the Pikmin game. There's also a Luigi's mansion game. It's fun but only if you have friends

I will say definitely not as fun as Wii. But it's still got some interesting stuff in it like new items, new maps, and some new characters. But I will always use dry bones.

Playing this for hours on end, it's a really fun racing game. You use power ups to get slow others down, race through some interesting tracks and you can pick characters from the Mario universe like my main... dry bones... yeah that's right. I'm wierd.