Actually incredible. Are there some things I wish it did differently? Sure. Do I wish it ran better? It's a switch game, of course I do. Was the end product still fantastic throughout, with nearly constant feelings of discovery or spectacle? Hell yeah.
I don't even know what I can say about this game that hasn't been said by a dozen others already. A massive improvement over the prior game, to the point I'm concerned it might obsolete it completely, despite depending so much on it for context (in terms of both gameplay and world design - certain areas and plot points hit harder if you're familiar with how they were in BotW).
A word of caution: if you play every game without using consumables, with the mindset of "what if I need it later?" you HAVE to shake that mentality. Those are the terms the game needs you to meet it on; items are meant to be used, consumed, and cycled through. If you can't do that, you'll have a really rough time with it.
For full context though, I managed to get it without paying $70 (between the NSO game vouchers, and the discounted gift cards I bought them with, it probably amounted to less than $50), so I didn't go into it with expectations exceeding that of the price of a normally-priced game. And even after how much I liked it, I still don't think this should be "the formula" for Zelda games going forward, but that's perhaps another discussion altogether.

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2023
