The game is a roguelite that looks a lot like Slay the Spire, the twist being that you play on a two-dimensional grid instead of facing your opponent. From a gameplay point of view, the game is really good, it's a deck builder with RNG of course. In addition to the deck, you can equip yourself with weapons that allow you to modify the playstyle, a crossbow to do damage from a distance or a two-handed sword to do damage in zones, etc.
I preferred this game to Slay the Spire because the movement aspect on the grid adds an extra tactical dimension that's very welcome. On top of that, unlike Slay the Spire, you can choose the order of events and whether or not you want to do them all, so you can think about whether to do more events to build up your strength but risk fighting the boss without all your hp, or be weaker but with full hp.
Visually, the game isn't very pretty without being ugly, but it's still very readable when it comes to the combat.
In terms of design, there's a fairly wide variety of monsters and bosses to challenge different aspects of the game.
The audio is pretty solid, whether it's the music, sound effects or weapon sounds.
Finally, the story is barely touched on, as in many roguelites.
In conclusion, this is a game I'd recommend to fans of the genre as well as to newcomers to roguelite, although the learning curve is fairly steep once you get used to the build and the mechanics it quite a pleasant game to play.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
