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Dredge is an excellent game that mixes management and horror with a fishing background.

From a gameplay point of view, the loop is fairly classic: you have to catch fish or collect resources to improve your boat in order to complete a main quest that guides your overall progress on the map. Most of the gameplay consists of steering your boat and performing QTEs to collect resources and fish. The gameplay becomes fairly repetitive towards the end, but given the short length of the game this isn't a huge problem.

In terms of atmosphere, visuals and music, the game is really addictive, with a day/night cycle where you can really feel the oppressive atmosphere at night. Visually, the game is really good, and as you progress through the game, you discover different islands, each with its own atmosphere and theme, making the whole thing very addictive.

Overall, the game is really good at what it tries to do, and the average lifespan (8-10 hours) isn't too long, so the lack of variety isn't felt. So it's a very good game that I'd recommend.

Affogato is a game where you have to make coffee by day and exorcise demons by night, with an anime-style art direction, so if this mix sounds interesting, it's a game worth trying out.

From a gameplay point of view, the game is a reverse tower defence where you have to move around the level destroying towers and accomplishing different objectives depending on the level. The levels are very varied, and the different characters are interesting to use, although they sometimes lack synergy and diversity. The gameplay phases fit in well with the story part of the game, which is not a bad thing.

From a graphical point of view, the artistic direction is clearly in the manga style, which may put some people off. But whether it's the story or the gameplay, the game is visually good.

Finally, the story is really cool, tackling difficult themes such as bullying and self-acceptance, and the two main characters are quite interesting and occasionally funny. The secondary stories are also interesting for the most part, even if they do get a bit snowy at times. The game's music fits in well with the story and gameplay.

In conclusion, Affogato is a very good game that I'd recommend. The story and gameplay are well executed and create a coherent and enjoyable whole.

Blacktail isn't perfect by any means, but it's well worth a look.

If we start with the story part of the game, it's fairly cryptic, which at first is rather interesting, but as the game progresses, this affects overall understanding, which is a shame, especially as the game is based on Slavic mythology, which isn't necessarily the best-known mythology. Otherwise, the story is fairly repetitive and cyclical in its construction, which may be disturbing for some, but given the game's lifespan, that wasn't too much of a problem for me.

From a gameplay point of view, the game is fairly repetitive, like its story, and lacks variety in both combat (few enemies, few arrows and few ways of fighting in general) and exploration, which is a shame, but on top of that, the combat phases are rather tedious, as the character is not very manoeuvrable.

Visually, the game is quite beautiful, with a bold artistic direction that goes well with the theme and story.

In conclusion, Blacktail is a pretty good game, but it's not without its faults, whether in the gameplay or the story.