Alone the fact that the entire game was made by one single madman warrants 5 stars.

Admittedly, it's kind of clunky and janky. It takes a while to figure out how to build things and how to earn money reliably. But once you get the hang of things you'll have fun for hundreds of hours.
Albeit dated, I find that the art style holds up. It's charming, well readable and nice to look at. I always liked how the water looked.

Good but not as good as the sequel

Really cool and impressive VR game. It was interesting to see different people play and use different approaches to solve the levels. Some try very slow and strategic approaches, others rather want to make it quick and cool looking.

Outdated memes, outdated memes everywhere

Pretty fun with friends. However, I find it kind of overwhelming with all the different items and such. I'm probably just bad but it seems pretty random who wins.

Really cool game. Sadly I was a bit too dumb for the VR controls

Started at launch but found it way too lackluster and stopped playing despite its popularity.

Starting playing again much later and have been enjoying it decently ever since. It's a fun little time waster when you need one, and even sometimes gets me to go outside, wow!! There are not a lot of things that can do that!

The monetization is very reasonable, spending money doesn't grant you any significant advantages as far as I can tell.

Sometimes I think about how neat this game is on a purely technological level. It's pretty cool

Super simple, absolutely hilarious, extremely well designed.
The drawing function is actually impressive. It has a ctrl-Z function, a fill bucket, all sorts of shapes... You can even pick your own colors! Jackbox Games could learn a thing or two from them..... Just sayin'

This would be great if it was like 20-30 bucks and had online from the start

Meh. Kinda fun for like 5 hours. Had enough after playing the free weekend before launch. Certainly wouldn't have spent 40 bucks on it lmao
The fact that is has lootboxes on top of that is an absolute disgrace if you ask me

Probably great if you actually understand Turn Based Strategy games and aren't a smoothbrain like me :(
I found the controls alone so complex that I gave up. Probably not the best pick for your first Strategy game.....
Maybe I'll dare trying to understand it one day


Sometimes I got stuck and had no more possible moves, I wonder if that's unavoidable sometimes or if I was just a dumbass kid.
I tried to play this game with physical cards once and it was a fucking pain. Made me appreciate the video game more, honestly.
The effect when you win is legendary and weirdly satisfying. haha cards go brrrrrrr

Only 90s kids will remember