Surprisingly good! All levels are side-scrollers but decently executed. Music was pretty alright too

I did lose a few kilograms when I was playing it every day for like 3 weeks, gotta admit

Cute feature that is kinda fun for about two minutes

Good party game
Maybe I'd like it more if I weren't bad at it

Fun game to mess around in with your friends

Solid remake. I liked the option to go back to the original soundtrack, although I didn't feel like that was necessary for most tracks. Some redesigns are worse than others.
What struck me negatively was how unnecessarily detailed the first game was (with the incredibly unique designs for the dragons you free) and how rushed the third game felt. I rather would've had way more generic dragons in the first game and more polish for the third game.
Also the loading times on the Nintendo Switch are abysmal, I'm a patient person but it's been going on my nerves ngl

I was very much surprised by this game. I expected a simple little game with a very dumbed down story, but I found the story surprisingly good and very charming. The gameplay is fun, but did suffer from its simplicity longterm. Mild spoilers about the game's progression ahead so proceed with caution

Thanks to Miitomo (RIP ;_;), I have a bunch of close friends that I "met in mii form", so this was perfect for this game. It was super fun to see us interact in the game, I shared tons of screenshots cause there was a lot of funny shit happening.
The class system (Jobs) in the game is very creative. While it does feature boring RPG staples such as Mage and Thief, it also features more extraordinary roles such as Cook, Imp, Cat and Tank.
Its biggest weakness is the simplicity of its gameplay. You can only control your own character - you have very little to no influence on the 3 other team members. It's unavoidable that they will sometimes do dumb stuff, and some Jobs are kind of bad if controlled by an AI.
This becomes especially grating in the post-game since it can get very grindy. I did beat the post-game boss but it was not very fun to get there, to be honest.

I'd give Miitopia a 4/5 - if it weren't for the ABSOLUTE BANGER of an soundtrack. I have no idea why they went so fucking hard on the soundtrack for this silly little game but they sure did. Additionally to that, the game uses pitch and speed changes in certain situations, so it really adds a lot to the games' enjoyment in my opinion.

Played it for like 10 minutes at GamesCom, seemed cool I guess

This game was clearly not made for the multiplayer mode. The camera in multiplayer makes the game wayyy harder than it is alone, since it's not focused.
Great level design, difficulty goes up harshly after beating the main game (which is the way it should be), there's some insanely challenging levels.
Just as basically all 3D Mario games, going for full completion is a grindfest and - in my opinion - neither especially fun nor rewarding.

Came for free with my Switch, I wouldn't have bought it tbh
Fun game, pretty good selection of tracks
I just personally think MK games lack a bit of depth


Fun game, great music
Also everyone is really hot

I played it many years before it was cool
Fun game to play while you're pooping

sksksksk anyway stan pearl