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A terrible game that I enjoyed greatly. Every decision they made about this game feels incredibly antiquated. No manual saves, No reloading, and no fast travel. All of those decisions greatly drag down the experience. Without those choices I would be happy to say that I was pleasantly surprised by how well written the story is and how I enjoyed the Embracing. Making you a doctor turned into a vampire during a pandemic is actually quite clever and I enjoyed learning about the characters and keeping them healthy in order to get as much EXP as possible. However, in between all that is long walks between goals, getting constantly lost and choices that are not clear enough for how they force you into dealing with consequences. I fell for one such trap where the option charm Dorothy was open to me but the game was not clear with what that entailed. I assumed with what was written Dorothy would simply forget about the dirt she had on Ashbury but remain at the hospital. Instead the charming drove her insane and she went missing. Wanting to force the player into committing to their choices is fine but make your intent clear. If the choice says eat sandwich I of course am going to be upset when my character stabs the waiter while taking the sandwich when there is no indication that that is apart of the choice. Ultimately this game fills a hole in my heart left by VTM: Bloodlines. I cant say that I enjoyed this game as much but it is very close to how I would want a new VTM to be like.

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2023
