Games Too Broken to be Worth Playing

There are a lot of facets of a video game that may not age well, but the one area where that is actively detrimental is the gameplay. This list reflects titles I've played over the years that had some central feature that was so fault-ridden, it caused me to quit. As such, these reviews should be taken with a grain of salt as I don't consider them legitimate critiques, though hopefully their contents explain why.

Far Cry
Far Cry
My overview of the game:

Tl;dr reason for it being broken - the bugs
My overview of the game:

Tl;dr reason for being broken - the driving
Enter the Gungeon
Enter the Gungeon
My overview of the game:

Tl;dr reason for being broken - too much RNG (yes, even by roguelike/lite standards)
Jet Set Radio
Jet Set Radio
My overview of the game:

Tl;dr reason for being broken - poor movement (people had to look up walkthroughs for the tutorial to give you an idea)


20 days ago

I agree on Mafia 1, I couldn't finish the original because it was so hard to just play:)))
Had to watch the game on YouTube some 10 years ago since i couldn't beat it.

20 days ago

@Zguvat - have you considered playing the remake? The quality looked great (AND they fixed the driving xD).

20 days ago

@RedBackLoggd i got the platinum in it, check my review

20 days ago

@Zguvat - will do!

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