My Top 5 Best Games of 2023

Happy New Year everyone! Thought I'd do a Top 5 Games reviewed listicle this year to honor both the titles I've completed + my time on Backloggd.

Note #1 -- this only includes games whose reviews were published in 2023 not beaten in 2023 as I consider the writing process a part of the gaming experience since it involves reflecting on/analyzing your time with said game.

Note #2 -- this will not include partial reviews ala Portal due to those being reposts from a time long ago over full-fledged critiques concocted for 2023.

Note #3 -- scores don't inherently correlate to ranking.

ONE) Gemini Rue - I desperately need to rewrite the review for this game as it does not do it justice. Despite the heavy-visual throwback, what you've got is one of the best cyberpunk games ever published, featuring a story that touches transhumanist themes amidst an inherently fascinating core tale. It was the title that brought me back into the PnC genre after Goodbye Deponia nearly killed my passion for it, and consequently deserves the #1 spot of 2023.

TWO) Tell Me Why - If you can look past the underused memory replay mechanic, Tell Me Why reigns as a superb example of how to tackle contemporary social issues without dipping into preachy territory. Combined with a genuinely engaging mystery that builds up to a heartbreaking climax and it's hard not to see why I picked this as numero uno.

THREE) ACIII Remastered - What began years ago as one of my least favorite ACs has now turned into one of my favorites. Connor's story was inconsistently told, but it still held enough good to outweigh the bad. Combined with the introduction of nature parkour, excellent side activities, and morally-grey ethics, and what you've got are all the right conditions to render ACIII a great game (and this remaster provides an excellent way to experience/reexperience it).

FOUR) Quantum Conundrum - a severely underrated spiritual successor to the Portal series, QC's lackluster writing is more than offset by some excellent first-person puzzle design. A true shame we'll never get a sequel given Airtight's closure.

FIVE) The Town of Light - if you're into walking sims, you can't miss out on The Town of Light, a biographical -esque recreation of a dark era in psychiatric medicine. The third act does admittedly go off the rails, hence it's lower ranking; however, it was ultimately a memorable experience, one which left a vivid impression on me.

Tell Me Why
Tell Me Why
Assassin's Creed III Remastered
Assassin's Creed III Remastered
Quantum Conundrum
Quantum Conundrum
Gemini Rue
Gemini Rue
The Town of Light
The Town of Light


5 months ago

PLEASE SHARE YOUR OWN LISTS! Link them in the comments!

5 months ago

Happy New Year! Great list! Looking forward to trying these titles like Gemini Rue. Anything cyberpunk has my interest immediately lol. And Tell Me Why from Dont Nod. Been a while since I played a game from their library. Last one being Life is Strange 2.

5 months ago

Nice list, happy new year!

I made my own list here.

5 months ago

Happy New Year!

5 months ago

@Moister - Thanks brother!

@pac250 - will check it out ASAP. And HNY to you as well!

@Detectivefail - Yeah, highly recommend Gemini Rue. Tell Me Why I do recommend, but only if you're fine with those borderline walking sim games Dontnod publishes. I still need to play the LiS sequels.

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