I’d like to start this review by talking about the horrendous PS3 version. Don’t play it, even if all you have is a PS3. Unless you want to deal with constant slowdown, screen tearing, random freezing and crashes, annoying glitches, voices cutting out, abysmally long load times (it seriously took me five minutes to return to the pod), and the works. If I were basing this off the PS3 version I’d rate it a 3/10.

The PS4 version on the other hand... is fun but still not that great. It's still the same floaty platforming and level creator as the first two games, and the story mode does offer some really fun puzzles and such. But almost everything new it adds feels really gimmicky and underutilized, the game is rampant with glitches and bugs, and the online barely works. It's just a huge disappointment, especially after how ambitious the second game was.

Reviewed on May 24, 2021
