In honor of how incohesive and haphazardly designed Wrath of Cortex is, I would like to pay tribute by writing this review in the most incohesive and haphazardly written method possible.

WoC doesn't even try to set its own identity. Rather, it seemed to try its hardest to hide in the shadow Of course, Crash 3 also had plenty of eggs in one basket, but WoC never seemed to try justifying its random gimmicks Even the core gameplay, which you probably spend like 40% of the game actually playing The challenge these levels offer only amount to the absurd amount of nitro boxes they seemed to spam everywhere With how much 3D platformers had changed since even Crash 3, this game just feels horribly out of touch for 2001 Aside from the first power-up, which wasn't even utilized much aside from some bonus areas from what I remember The level design is basically just walking through hallways with little to no platforming or challenge And then after THAT, you're thrown into a marble madness clone??? I don't find Crash very engaging from a design or mechanical standpoint, and the depth perception always throws me off That doesn't change just how uninspired and unpolished the final product is.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2022
