Decent simulator, enjoyed the core premise, though gets repetitive quite fast and didn't have enough gameplay to keep me engaged much past the tutorial. Found the side-content of dissembling and fixing devices much more fun than the actual in-house electrical work. Put a wrap on the game after finishing all the device fixes

Good puzzle game, no complaints. Puzzles weren't difficult nor too easy. Really liked how some of the interactions were physics based, made for more interactive puzzles rather than the standard point and click. Has some form of a story, though it's not the focus nor a strong point. Really enjoyed how most levels were entirely unique, whether that be in mechanics or visuals

Had a solid game loop and enjoyed my time with it. Great visuals and character designs, below average story, great core gameplay, great exploration.

Overall I felt it didn't drag on too long or have too much bloat. There were just enough options for weapons and abilities which made for a decently customizable play-style. Story was straightforward, though underdeveloped, overall not disappointed. Definitely some mechanics outside of the core "bullet hell" gameplay that were underbaked and underutilized. Satisfying amount of exploration and sense of completion when liberating islands, though this does quickly become more of a checklist.

Fairly short, great game for playing in the background while watching / listing to something else. Satisfying cleaning plus a variety of levels and objectives that felt different enough to keep interest up throughout the play-through. Does get repetitive, so best to be broken up across a few sessions

Satisfying loop of expanding islands, though horrendously grindy and slow. Only way to enjoy and not feel like it's a waste of time is to play on PC with cheats to cut out the grind

First few hours of the game are the most fun, quite buggy, quite tedious, ships get bigger but don't really offer any new mechanics or gameplay.

Fun clicker game for a couple hours, though quickly gets repetitive and grindy. After the first 2 or so stages, an auto-clicker is a must to actually enjoy the gameplay loop. Enjoyed the art and style throughout though. Multiple of the non-core systems and mechanics seemed a bit out of place and poorly balanced though

Still in Early Access with very active devs. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes, as the foundations are solid