Despite not really being religious, I used to say that "we should pray for a kind future".
The world did get more kind, it's just that we're all still suffering from the past and the lack of options we got due to capitalism.

I hope future generations don't have to deal with sexual abuse and incompetent people anymore. That would be my dream.

Doing sex work is hard, treacherous and it's impossible to perform it without any scars. This game depicts a deep, personal and realistic way of how sex work can affect someone that isn't ready for sex work because the world refuses to wait for them or to make their lives easier.
No matter how hard you train, no one is ready for sex work. No matter how much of a "nympho" you think you are, there's no way you will come out of this unharmed.

The worst thing about psychological scars is that the more time it passes, the more it affects you. The less you take care of them, the more work you'll have to do and sometimes they can be invisible, making the healing process even worse. As a cherry on top, no one tells you how to do it. No one tells you how to fix them, no one tells you what you should do, and sometimes you cope a certain way thinking it's good but in the end that wasn't the case.

People say that trauma makes people "strong", but they fail to recognize that this only happens if you actually overcome that trauma to some extent. Overcoming trauma is not about not being affected by it anymore. It's about recovering from pain and dealing with it better than before.

Reviewed on Jul 24, 2023


4 months ago

needs further elaboration.

4 months ago

This comment was deleted

4 months ago

@mrkjerr true!