A very cute, humorous and wholesome adventure. I saw people comparing the game to Atelier games and while it gives off a very similar vibe, it is not exactly it. Most of the crafting in WitchSpring R is for the survivability in combat, not for quests and such.

It is a turn based combat with the player their pets, tamed along the way. There is only few fetch side quests, otherwise the entirety of the game follows the main story. There is an option to farm and grind for some equipment, extra spells and such, but I’d assume this would be more important at higher difficulty. I got through the story with only some minor gathering.

The art style of both the game and the UI are very pleasant and cohesive, music and even sound design work very well with the mood too. I hope we get some new instalments, not even necessarily following Pieberry.

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
