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1 day

Last played

April 3, 2024

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I think I had fun with this game, maybe a little disappointed after witnessing the "true ending" but overall short version is - if you liked DD1 you gonna like this because it's more or less the same game still got annoying and repetitive pawn dialogue a little less obnoxious than in the first game, the characters are still a cardboard cutouts with barely animated mouths spewing generic drivel, the side quests were designed 20 minutes before lunch break and the story resembles an upside down plate of spaghetti on a kitchen floor.

In two weeks since release we got a couple of patches improving framerate from an average of 37 fps in major settlements to 43 fps and an update adding "New Game" option in the main menu truly revolutionary 2024 gaming. It's funny that I thought after playing DD1 that the game was clearly an interesting vision not fully realized by it's creator due to time or monetary constraints but it turns out that's the kind of game they wanted to make all along since the sequel is hardly an improvement in any aspect over the original now featuring Denuvo and some random microtransactions that have no business existing.

Still it's hard not to have fun when you're plunging a ginormous greatsword into some poor ogre's cranium or calling a meteor shower on a goblin summer camp. DD2 does 1 thing really well -the combat and by god you're gonna be doing that a lot. There's a good variety of classes or vocations to choose from and they only get crazier and more overpowered as your rank increases. The different approach to combat for each vocation and constant drip feed of new abilities that unlock after each rank prevents the game from becoming stagnant.

So the main appeal of the game is still there strong as ever a radiant gem that is the action RPG combat placed on top of a shrine made out of cheap glue and recycled cardboard.

Fun drinking game - take a shot everytime someone says "aught" in the game and you can tell me how it went in the afterlife.