A lot more cohesive than re7 that's for sure! Also benefits a lot from each of the four sub-antagonists being big goofy personalities who you get to see a lot (compared to 7, which overdeveloped Jack to the point where the game kind of feels over when he dies).

Was kind of disappointed that the game wasn't more nonlinear tbh, it's a little weird to deliberately split your game into four chunks plus one final confrontation so obviously and then have the player go through it in a set order anyway. Especially disappointing is the brevity of the spooky haunted house doll chapter, that is so incredibly My Shit.

Like 7 I think the weakest part is where it tries to mold itself into the greater series canon, I really think they need to ditch the idea of these games having any coherent timeline.

Overall, a cool and fun experience! Looking forward to replaying it a bunch for unlockables.

Reviewed on May 11, 2021
