Log Status






Time Played

130h 40m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 22, 2023

First played

November 28, 2023

Platforms Played


This is to Skyrim what Fallout: New Vegas is to Fallout 3. This is one of the best RPGs in recent memory. The story gave me a genuine existential crisis due to how well the themes of surrealism and existentialism were written and executed.

The world is gorgeous with in-depth and alien lore. A world that feels simultaneously like a living, breathing, and grounded grimdark fantasy world; while also as magical, fantastical, and whimsical as a German fairy tale. Similar to Morrowind you are thrown in as an "outlander" and have to learn the culture with your player character. The combat and character building is elevated beyond base Bethesda-esque gameplay by a new XP and freeform class system. You can make such unique builds based around so many different things, from collecting unique souls to summon as undead companions you build to crafting oil pots to make people ragdoll like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Armor, weapons, and enchantments are more complex too with unique sets handplaced throughout the world, pieces found in every dungeon. Magic is unique, deeply powerful but with drawbacks. I also enjoyed the interesting arcane fever and perk system.

Dungeons are my least favorite part of most RPGs, in Bethesda games they become slogs especially. So samey and boring with nothing unique, but in Enderal they are absolutely fantastic. Aesthetically I may go as far to say they are the best dungeons I've ever seen in a video game. The flora and fauna, complex and gargantuan ruins and structures looking more like a FromSoftware area than a Bethesda engine game, etc. Dungeons are more detailed and unique feeling while feeling worthwhile. As I mentioned earlier most dungeons have at least a single handplaced unique item of a set. There are also mysterious magical symbols that give you XP, Ice Claws which raise your carrying capacity, and worthwhile crafting blueprints. Cities and world design in Enderal is some of the best and most detailed, shoulder to shoulder with Novigrad in the Witcher and Baldur's Gate. The world also benefits from a genuine feeling of realism, an entire huge area of tons of farms that feel realistically laid out and visually stunning. Different biomes and regions. Etc.

Side quests as well as the main quest are memorable and interesting and some of the best in the genre up there with the best of Oblivion's, Baldur's Gate 2's, and Witcher 3's. They are full of both realistic and compelling characters as well as wacky and hilariously unique ones. Several characters I will remember years later. And there are many long questlines based around diverse central characters, all of them memorable with different paths the player can lead them on. (My favorites being Tharael, Esme, Jespar, and Calia). One quest genuinely had me weeping like nothing else. Just. Wow. The game also effortlessly pulls of fantastic horror, possibly the best I've seen horror done in a fantasy RPG. With compelling visuals and audio, haunting writing, and memorably dark stories.

The voice acting is very impressive as well, some are professional quality, a few here and there aren't spectacular but overall there is a good quality to them all. Some are absolutely standout though. The music is beautiful, it feels like if you mixed Spirited Away's melancholic breezy music with the adventurous spirit of Morrowind/Oblivion's soundtrack! The bard songs are amazing. If you like medieval/fantasy bardic songs this is a treasure trove for them, better than those found in base Skyrim. My favorite bard's song is the Aged Man, which is absolutely haunting.

The writing is some of the best in the business, up there with the classics like Planescape (in my humble opinion). I've even ordered the main writer's book, Dreams of the Dying! I will be reading it once I finish this playthrough. I wish him and this whole team the best, and gaming studios please get on top of hiring these people!

I'm going through my second playthrough now, my first on the special edition. I already have tens of hours of this on the Skyrim Classic version, fantastically made mod, better than Skyrim itself in many regards. I would also say this is the true successor to Morrowind. Play it. It's free if you have Skyrim. And if you don't have Skyrim, buy it for this.