Log Status






Time Played

138h 10m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 4, 2024

First played

January 14, 2024

Platforms Played


The amount of content in this game is genuinely ridiculous. I have over 110 hours in it and only just beat the main quest, one expansion, and all of the vanilla + one DLC factions. I did most side quests I came across and according to the in game journal that is 221 quests completed... And I skipped some in regions I didn't like and I'm sure I missed plenty and didn't do every dungeon. In terms of sheer content per dollar spent, this is easily worth it, the expansions are honestly very high quality and come bundled into this version, likewise all the DLC is here, including the pretty fun Arena faction, the House of Valor.

The combat in this game is super fun, very simple hack and slash with unlockable abilities and the core of it being focused around weapon switching on the fly. Build variety as such is almost limitless, the Fate system is great and unlocking new ones and new Twists of Fate are fantastic. I recommend playing on Hard difficulty, the game is fairly easy and Hard offers just enough challenge to still make you have a fantastic power fantasy but not be completely on auto-win.

I'm not a huge fan of the character's art-style but the landscapes, cities, and dungeons, all look amazing and beautiful! The architecture is very fun. The lore at first glance looks very generic but there are some interesting things to be found there. The main story is so-so, but the meat of the game is in its free-form exploration and combat. Join some factions, steal some things, do some dungeons, unlock some of the many houses. It's good fun. Not a masterpiece, but it is the perfect mindless fun ARPG. Turn your mind off and have fun.

Update: Finished the DLC content, all of it is honestly so good! One is set in a Mediterranean Greek setting populated with living Greek statue people. It has new enemy types, pretty visuals, and fun lore. The other is a gothic pirate story set on a gloomy island with a bonus of castle-ruling and a new pet mechanic! I love home-bases in RPGs and while the base game had housing, this adds a proper castle you build up and recruit for, it's great. The island is gorgeous too with dark forests and spooky undead pirates. The House of Valor faction is really fun with an arena questline as well as a lot of extra challenge content, honestly one of the best arena factions I've seen in a game, Oblivion's and this are probably tied now.