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Viking Conquest is without a doubt one of the best expansions I have ever played, it adds so much and is set in one of my favorite periods in history.

I will say, though I love this DLC, it is essentially just an official mod, and it's even made by a modding team, not TaleWorlds. So, if you're tight on money, you can find mods of similar and even greater quality than this one, but I still love it.

Warband is an amazing game, however it is very much lacking in unique quests, characters, and features. Viking Conquest expands upon all that Warband did right, better sieges, better quests, better cities, better character customization, better characters and so much more. It also adds several new things, a story mode and various sandbox modes, unique quests, religions, personality types, dungeons (kind of), holding court in your castle, making your own settlement (a refuge), sailing and ship combat. As well as various smaller features, like more loot (a whole lot), various ways to increase your soldiers' morale, happy widows, alcohol (which was in the base game but only for trading), having a kid, etc.

This expansion honestly feels like the prototype for Bannerlord, as so many of its features were carried over to that sequel.

Viking Conquest is a must have for any Mount & Blade fan or nerd for the time period.