This game can be very glitchy, especially on the contracts. For example, you can painted the whole room but the game still says you have 2% left. It gets really annoying when you (stupidly) trust what the game is saying and look everywhere to find the speck of paint you missed. It wants you to do the house in a very specific order or else it’s going to glitch out and you have to exit out of the level and go back in, which can take maybe up to 5 minutes in itself in waiting time (at least on the Xbox One) to fix it. I switched off the cockroaches, yet I find myself switching it back on, so it registers that I vacuumed up all the glass, which can be very hard to see. What’s the point of that option if you have to switch it back and forth for it to actually work?

This game also got me very frustrated when it wouldn’t tell me what walls to break down! It doesn’t tell you anything about the minimap color coding, or which color it is that it wants you to break down, so I ended up breaking a lot of the house down just to find which wall it wanted (this happened to other people because it’s one of the many things the game doesn’t tell you!). Well anyway, after confusedly tearing the house down, my Xbox one controller died and I needed to get batteries, which just so happened to be in my basement. So I started walking down the stairs and I slipped. I don’t know why, but I just slipped. I I thankfully caught myself, but I still had two very scraped elbows for like a week. I blame this game for making me angry.

You would think this is a relaxing game on the surface, which it is, until it either breaks in a way which is not your fault, or doesn’t communicate something as in WHICH WALLS TO DEMOLISH AND THEN YOU FALL DOWN THE STAIRS.

I spent so much time decorating a home in a contract (a waste of time and money I now know, because doing extra work and decoration isn’t acknowledged in this game), and for some reason it was glitching out with the walls. I looked it up and apparently so many people had issues with this aunt’s house level, so much so that it had to patched, since people were having trouble with the radiator installation. It got patched, but this level is still broken for me, 3 years later, and my issue is completely different with the walls saying I didn’t demolish them, even though I did and I didn’t rebuild them after. So, I decided to exit out of the level and go back in, and when I came back it turned out I had to get rid of the majority of the decorations I now placed to 100% the level.

Part of me has a lot of fun renovating houses, but all of these stupid glitches that happen because I don’t do rooms in a specific order (seriously, the solutions people had to come up with for the aunt’s house and other levels are renovating the rooms in a very specific order- so you can 100% the level, without it breaking)!!! I also read that people think they did the bare minimum in making this game and I think I agree. They made a game where you can renovate houses, but it also has many glitches, you have to buy expensive dlc just to get more furniture (the base game should make it where you unlock more furniture as you level up!) doing anything extra after finishing the checklist of requirements is literally just a waste of money, you can’t change the roof, you can’t expand the house except by rebuilding rooms if you want more space, there’s no options for windows, no outdoor furniture whatsoever in the base game, I could (clearly) go on and on. It very likely didn’t happen this way (because making games is extremely difficult and time consuming), but it does feel like the bare minimum of effort went into this - there’s such a lack of polish to this game which really undermines all the fun aspects, which they must’ve spent so much time working on!!! Sorry this is a rant but I just got fed up with this game today when Chang Choi wouldn’t buy my home (which I specifically catered to him) because I installed a freaking toilet. He apparently liked the house less than Mr. Futuristic Bachelorpad when I installed a TOILET. I ended up having to delete decorations for him to enjoy having a toilet and a shower in his bathroom.

P.S. I guess I have a personal vendetta against this game now? My poor elbows…

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2022

1 Comment

5 months ago

oh wow the pc version isn't like this at all, this sounds like a super awful port i'm sorry that was your experience