What Remains of Edith Finch is a beloved game, and after hearing it being raved about I had to check it out for myself. Essentially a walking simulator, it explored the tragic deaths of a family in a collection of stories, setting up a mystery of a supposed curse. It was creative in that it changed up how each individual story was told, going from different mini games and visual styles. Most included children, so it was impossible not to feel disturbed.

I liked it but didn’t love it. For such a story driven experience it lacked closure. I get its intention was to leave it up for interpretation—was there an overall supernatural element or just plain paranoia and child neglect?—but in the end I was left feeling unsatisfied. It all came down to taste, and unfortunately I just wasn't blown away. Still, for sheer imagination alone it impressed, the house especially.

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2023
