I often criticise the amount of handholding in modern games, but Scorn proudly established itself as the polar opposite. It lacked a tutorial, HUD, or any form of direction, and I was left to figure it out for myself. I even failed to wrap my head around the narrative, but each area was a feast for the eyes, so that became the main drive for me. I mean, its primary selling point was the fact it was inspired by artists H. R. Giger and Zdzisław Beksiński.

Obviously it had its issues, the combat not enjoyable in the slightest. I also could never get behind the idea of the storytelling being confined to an artbook. Wasn’t the entire point to encourage players to create their own theories and conclusions by intentionally being ambiguous? If so, then why dump all of the specifics into something they'd have to pay extra for?

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
