It's always nice when a game lives up to your expectations. The music is great, all the bosses are satisfying to fight, and the difficulty is just right. My only nitpick would be parries and requiring them for perfects.

There are just a few inconsistent situations, especially if you're trying to go for A+/S ranks. Regular A+ doesn't matter, as I could understand the lower HP makes it awkward to balance, but there were some times on expert which annoyed me. Lots of bosses will have so many little chances to parry, and some of these even come down to RNG patterns, which will end up with you needing to stall while hoping you can still make the timer. Others have lots of parry chances in the fight, but they sometimes don't count, or if they do count, you can't fill up your meter more than once. Shout out to Beppi when I realized for some reason the rollercoaster nose counts as a parry when I just assumed since it was easily repeatable it wouldn't count like Ribby & Croaks yet somehow Bon Bon's wheels count but Sally Stageplay's meteor doesn't???

It really makes me want to finish the rest of the Mega Man games and play Gunstar Heroes for the dice gimmick.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024


Great review
Definitely agree with the expert part, some of those were rough