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This game is a great little gem, if you keep ONE fact in mind: it's a game that BEGS you to use Game Genie. For one thing in particular: INFINITE MAGIC.

Why? Because the game very clearly wants you to use your magic spells. It's basically BUILT around that mechanic. However, the developers seem to have forgotten one important detail: your magic bar DRAINS, quickly, and there is literally NO way to fill it back up, in-stage. It only refills to full once you go to a new stage. Which is complete bullshit.

What they SHOULD have done, clearly, was include some kind of power you could FREQUENTLY get from enemies, which would refill your magic, thus enabling to use it more freely. But since they DIDN'T? Slap on that "Infinite Magic" code, and go to town! You don't even have to think of it as cheating, but rather, fixing a fatal mistake the devs overlooked. Even WITH "Infinite Magic", the game is QUITE difficult, and you can definitely still die.

But WITH magic that doesn't run out in two seconds? The game is a fun ride. WITHOUT, trying to just play this game with the basic charge shot? Not how the devs intended it to be played at all, and quite a chore. So just use that code, bro. It's, like, TOTALLY RAD!