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When I bought my first PC (that was MY PC), this was one of the first games I bought for it. And I will admit, that I generally had some fun getting through it. That said, I was disappointed that, in the interest of pushing their storyline, they MADE you play as all the various factions, whether you wanted to or not, as the game progressed.

Part of the brilliance, and replay value of Warcraft 2 (or for that matter 1), is that you picked a side, similar to Command & Conquer, and you played that ONE side, and saw THEIR story unfold, throughout the game. Then, if you WANTED, you could start a new game, and play through using the OTHER side. That is 100% what the should have stuck to doing with WC3, honestly.

It's still a decent game. But 2 was MUCH better, all around, no the least of which because of the aforementioned "choose your side" mechanic.