First and foremost, I adore the vibe of Mirror’s Edge. Its ultra-vibrant environments and wind-kissed sound design is a real treat to the senses. Along with the iconic movement options of a seasoned parkour expert, Mirror’s Edge makes for a cozy seat in the driver’s side of a daredevil’s car.

As for the story, it wasn’t bad, just very predictable. If nothing else it at least justifies Faith’s running around with a believable reason. The only area of significant complaint is how finicky the game can be at times. For instance there were a few times where the objective marker didn’t work and I ended up at a dead end for a brief period, or times where enemies were a bit too obnoxious in their placement. In spite of that, I can’t come down on the game too hard. More than just an exhilarating parkour game, Mirror’s Edge is a cathartic breath of fresh air with its techno beats and rich colors. The kind of game that’s easy to lose yourself in every few years.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022
