Thinking with portals is crazy, dude.

I don't recall ever thinking that Portal was a hard puzzle game whatsoever and that hasn't particularly changed on this long overdue replay. However, the escalation of complexity, especially towards the later half of the game still feels like a stroke of genius on Valve's part. Hand in hand with GLaDOS' narration the game just gives up on guiding you (at least THAT overtly, the blood smeared exit signs are a bit much) and lets you figure things out for yourself.

My gut feeling tells me I'm always gonna be more likely to replay this very short and dense brain buster over the more bloated, if still very enjoyable, sequel in the future.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024


2 months ago

recently played the RTX version and was like man portal is really fun

2 months ago

I like how pure this review is from the lapse of time between playthroughs

aside from the portal 2 mention it feels like I'm back in 2007 reading an initial impression