The game is fun for awhile, but it's an obvious cash grab and the cycle of purchasing heroes would be easy to fall into if you're easily swayed by GACHA games.


I have been playing this for an ungodly amount of hours. To the point where, when TEW: 2020 came out, I didn't see the need to "upgrade" as I felt TEW: 2016 offered absolutely everything I wanted.

It's incredibly well made, the depth of this game will depend on how deep you want to go. From adding photos of wrestlers to creating deep storylines, the game is perfect for any wrestling fan who dreams of booking a promotion.

More rewarding than Raid Shadow Legends.

You'll be able to progress further in the game without having to spend a dime, but eventually you will hit a brick wall (around the Hell Campaign Stages.)

Lots of variety in-terms of heroes, gear, builds, etc., community is friendly and there's quite a fair few codes going around to add Diamonds & Shards to your account for free.