My god, what a glorious comeback.
As a long time fan of the series, I can not describe the pure joy I felt seeing, and then finally playing this absolute banger of a game, after it seemed like there will never be another entry in the Devil May Cry series again.
And certainly not a fantastic one like DMC 3. (Especially after the shitshow that was the release of the DMC Reboot)
While DMC 4 and the DMC Reboot were fun, but not as great in comparison, the developers certainly had a legacy to live up to.
And Capcom fucking outdid themselves with this one.
Easily one of the best fast paced action games out there. Hell, even Dantes gameplay ALONE is so incredibly fun and complex, that he can hold up to that claim. Nothing was more fun than discovering more and more combo routes that link into each other, until you've carefully crafted your own ol' reliable combo.

While I think there are some negative points like the design of some levels, or the lack of usage / purpose of fan favourite characters like Lady and Trish, they are simply outshined by the sheer amount of FUN and fanservice I've got throughout the entirety of the game. So many callbacks to older entries in the series, with its own unique touch, so it doesn't feel that cheap.
And the enjoyment also comes from the music that is cleverly integrated in the gameplay. Not only does the music synchronize with your gameplay, which results in the song being at its most HYPE part, while you are at the PEAK of your gameplay, but they are fucking bangers as well.
There is so so much room for replayability with the gameplay variety, and time you can put into learning tons of new combos, which makes it a game I can happily revisit anytime.


Reviewed on Mar 30, 2022
