4 reviews liked by Riczi

Battling is arguably the best aspect of Pokemon. Catching them all is fun too, but using your newly caught and trained battle is what makes Pokemon the longest running series in my gaming collection. As of recent, building a proper competitive is insanely grindy and monotonous AND now with the requirement of Nintendo Switch Online to battle others, Pokemon Showdown cuts out all the nonsense. I come back to this game regularly

The most a Pokemon game has felt like one since generation 3. Just a wonderful solo experience.

Honestly the best pokemon game I ever played

No mans sky is one of the few examples of a game that had a bad launch and actually made a recovery. Over the 8 years since the games initial release, no mans sky has received numerous free content updates containing a variety of new things to do which makes the game feel full of life. The story of NMS is nothing to write home about, it's a pretty generic scifi plot but that can easily be ignored due to how fun the gameplay is. All in all, no mans sky is definitely worth a play in 2024 thanks to its many free updates since launch which make for the definitive space exploration game.