Welp after all this time here it is. So much anticipation for years about this game, and after some delays we finally have it.

And yeah it's pretty damn good.

This is by far the best lego game ever, and honestly one of, if not the best star wars game ever.

I mean it has basically most things you could ask for out of a star wars game. There's a wide variety of massive planets for you to actually fly to, through space, in a ship of your choice, and then explore massive areas of whatever planet you pick. There are over 300 characters from the Star Wars universe with some real deep cuts and whacky choices. Each character has their own class and skill tree with surprisingly deep and fleshed out gameplay. You can own massive ships like the Steadfast, hell you can even own the frickin Death Star and have it as your own to run around in. This game is basically a star wars fans dream come true.

The story is just, well star wars, but lego, and more comedic. I will say in some cases such as in Revenge of The Sith, when Anakin and Obi wan are cracking jokes during their final battle it does kinda fuck with the vibes a little bit but you aren't playing a lego game for a serious experience. speaking of comedy there are some really funny moments and character interactions in this, a lot of which are just them making fun of actual star wars which is always nice.

I think the only things I wished they'd improved on a bit more is

1. have dual wielding lightsaber combat, I know barely any characters use 2 lightsabers but come onnnn, would be awesome.

2. Add custom characters, feels weird to not have it and with the whole class system thing it seems like a given.

3. Force you to play different characters more often. There are a lot of side missions that make you play different classes of characters, but more often than not you're gonna be playing the same 10-ish characters the entire game. Have more missions that force you to change into some more obscure characters or something. Make use of those 300+ characters.

Overall, this game is great, I did get a little bored in the post game, just going around every planet doing mostly the same thing on each one. But that doesn't take away from the fact that the main story is very fun, the gameplay is the best we've ever had in a Lego game. The character and ship selection is fantastic, the attention to detail surrounding the entire game is outstanding and the fact they made the sequel trilogy enjoyable is a spectacle.

Very good game.

Edit: Okay so after playing through the post game some more, it's really fucking boring. Like my god I cannot play this game for more than an hour now without getting incredibly bored and I always have to have a tv show or something on in the background. I can't fault it for the main game stuff, all that is great. but the post game sheeeeeesh. Knocking it down a few points, the game is boring as fuck once you beat the story.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2022
