Log Status






Time Played

2h 32m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 22, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


From the creator behind Cave Story, here's a small action-platformer starring a frog fighting against dark "thingies", Kero Blaster!

I've known about this game for many years, but now, I've finally been able to play it!
The gameplay is simple. You jump, you shoot, you unlock more weapons, you can upgrade said weapons with coins you find throughout the stages, and you can also upgrade your health... and that's it.

It's very simple, but it's pretty fun! It did get kinda hard by the end, especially because if you get a Game Over, you gotta restart the whole stage again... but thankfully, if you've already defeated a mini-boss, you don't have to defeat again, so that's nice.
You can also see this as an opportunity to get more coins to potentially upgrade more stuff.

The story is quite interesting. While nothing too complex, I like seeing the characters interact with each other and was curious where the story was going. It's nothing ground-breaking, but it was nice.

The graphics feel like they are a mix of Commodore 64 graphics and NES graphics. It's a very simple art-style, but I think it works! And it also helps that the music is very nicely composed.

All in all, Kero Blaster is a nice little blast from the past, and I would recommend it for anybody who likes these types of games.