Tekken 3 is often regarded by most as one of the best fighting games on the PlayStation, and for good reason!
It takes a lot on what Tekken 2 did and expands upon it a lot!

The visuals are really great for the console it is on, with nice detailed textures and models. The CGI renders also look way better than last time, feeling last plastic-looking.
The soundtrack is also really well done! Not every tune was great to me, but there were a lot of catchy themes that got me pumping for a fight!

Tekken 3 also does some improvements on gameplay, not only with there more combos to master, but you can actually move on the Z-axis this time, by pressing up or down twice.
And the character roster is also very diverse, and there are some funny picks, although to be frank here, I wasn't the biggest fan of playing as Gon or Doctor Bosconovitch. Not my style.

Additionally, there are some new modes to play around with: Tekken Force and Tekken Ball.
Tekken Ball pretty much is volleyball, but you do damage by getting the ball on your opponent's side. It can be quite fun, even if I didn't play it all that much.
Tekken Force, on the other side, feels like an entirely different beast. While it has similar controls to the main game, it's structured like a beat'em up, where you go through 4 stages, defeating every enemy in sight, with a boss at the end.
I did like the premise of the mode, but it felt a bit awkward to control, especially when it came to moving my character around to grab healing items. Also, unlocking Doctor B. via this mode was a bit of a pain. Like Survival Mode, this mode has no continues, so if you die in it, you gotta restart from the beginning. That sucked, especially when I was so close to the end.

Regardless, Tekken 3 is a really fun fighting game, and feels like the Tekken series has finally found its strive in the fighting genre!

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2024


11 days ago

funny how they made gon a joke character here but in the manga he is quite possibly, one of the strongest characters in fiction

11 days ago

I've actually been considering reading his manga, even though I've never read a manga before.

11 days ago

@RinoDino i kinda hated that i labeled him as one of the strongest rn lol, it aint THAT kind of shonen manga lmao

11 days ago

I don't watch a whole lot of shonen, Gon looks interesting to me just because he look goofy, lol.