As someone who has dabbled in Fire Emblem since the GameCube games I really enjoyed this game for what it was, now obviously this is a Musō or Warriors game, so it's not a Tactical Turn Based JRPG like most the FE franchise.
I found it's length able to keep the gameplay from getting stale by the end, the story was all over the place but the generic theme of friendship prevails over all was good enough that I didn't mind, as someone who played a handful of FE games I didn't know most of the Fates characters but everyone was still fun to play, and the music was good enough.
Overall it's just alright, the problem with it all comes from the repetitive environments, almost useless weapon system, and very poor performance when a character uses a special.
If you are into FE pick this game up on sale or borrow it from someone, otherwise probably don't bother.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024
