Log Status






Time Played

149h 3m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 30, 2023

First played

January 18, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


As a remastered version of a PSP game, it deserved so much better. Though I am aware of upcoming patches too fix the audio issues, it still should’ve had the option to let you pick which skill to inherit and better enhanced backgrounds without the use of AI.

As another version of Persona 3, while I do enjoy the streamlined gameplay and the addition to a female playable character a lot (especially her S.Links), I also see why people prefer FES. I don’t really mind the VN style as I feel it makes it more unique, however it’s not used properly that you end up losing the immersion.

But as a game on it’s own, while I do feel like P3 as a whole has very controversial issues (the grooming and transphobia), Tartarus, and the condition mechanic. I still really enjoyed this game, I’ll even go as far to say I loved it.

Idk maybe the message of trying to find a reason to live within your friends and loved one hits me on a personal level. The fact that we will all die someday, it hurts losing what we love and we fear it, even if it’s ourselves, but we should celebrate the lives we were gifted instead of crying for our loss and keep going, heck even Aigis’s speech at the end. it ended up making me reevaluate a lot about my life. this game made me cry on occasions, but I finished “The Journey” with the dumbest smile on my face. I think this should tell you how much i ended up loving the game and how I’m willing to look past a lot of it’s issues, not all, but a lot. I just adore this game.