I'm in a weird place with this game because I adore Tales of Vesperia. It's my favorite Tales game, hands down. This version is what everyone was asking for: the fabled PS3 version with the extra content and voice over but... it was a monkey paw release. All the new stuff is fully voiced but the returning actors sound incredibly flat in their delivery and for any actor they replaced, they only voice the new lines. Meaning you get both old and new voice lines mixed in, sounding incredibly awkward when character voices switch mid-dialogue. Objectively speaking this is the better version since it's just Tales of Vesperia: But More Edition but I can't help feel that this release was poorly handled in terms of localization and it feels weirder as a result. Overall the better experience and far more accessible than the original but it has some quirks.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2021
