My love for this game, at this point in time, is honestly above almost anything else. Being 2 achievements away from 100%, I wanted to reflect a bit on my journey through the Mohave, which has continued onward and concluded since my time with it on the 360. Fallout: New Vegas, at least to me, is the best open-world RPG by a long shot. Nothing really compares to its widely dynamic and open-ended nature, ultimately giving the player complete freedom to enhance and grow with the world around you.

Choices are consistently meaningful and impactful, with many questlines having winding interconnected pathways for completion. It's insanely impressive to me how realized and detailed the different questlines feel. It really helps immerse me into this world better than almost any other game honestly. Not to mention that the huge weapon variety, interesting quests, fleshed-out characters, beautiful music, lore, and atmosphere all add to the sheer brilliance of the Vegas loop. However, I will say that at times the game can be completely broken and terribly buggy. Everything regarding the bugs and glitches really is an annoying mess (while also adding to the fun at times). Mess and all, I still think it's a defining attribute of the ambition that was put into this world.

I really, really love and cherish this game with everything in me. To be honest, I'll always be thinking about the memories I've made, the discussions I've had, and how much fun it has provided me throughout the years. It really helped to define my love for passionate, well-written RPGs, a genre that I continue to revel in. 5 years from now I'm sure I'll be thinking about songs from Mohave music radio, dreaming of the harsh beauty of the desert, all while sipping a cool bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla through windingly dangerous and beautiful vistas. Cudos New Vegas, thanks for everything.

P.S. - The ultimate edition of this game goes on sale for like 4 bucks, which is essentially 4 bucks of infinite, dynamic replayability. Do yourself a favor and try it out :) Also, I'm sorry for the wall of text, I've been playing only this for 2 weeks, so I had a lot built up haha.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2023
