The experimental and unique nature of Silent Hill is what really makes it stand out for me. For the time, I'm sure the ambition to push the boundaries of horror felt so completely new and unique compared to other games in the genre. Now, 24 years later, playing this game (through an emulator) still feels just as fresh and new. Even with its outdated and challenging controls, everything about Silent Hill is fantastically captivating. The atmosphere is so thick and dizzying that it really emphasizes the immersion and connection to the decaying town. I really love games that make the setting a character, and this game is one of the best examples of defining it exceptionally well. Also, the music is so, so insane in this game. Rather than it being more direct tracks, the harsh and frightening industrial tones make the game scarier and scarier, it's simply brilliant. Storywise, the humor and craziness never seem to cease, while underlying it with a deeply tragic twist. Personally, I'd say play this one after 2, you'll appreciate it more :)

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2023
