Never played the original, but this remastered is pretty good. I felt like very tired when I was close to the final, because the levels are too long compared to previous Kirby games. A strenght of the game is the variety of trasformation and moves that you can do. Also the multyplayer aspect and the minigames are pretty solid.

I prefered, unexpectedly, the Magolor story that was added in this chapter exclusive on Nintendo Switch. Levels are really short but fun to play, they fit really well in a portable console (not good to do in Wii version). The possibilities and variety of Magolor's power are incredible and development of those are really fun to obtain.

I recommend this game to the original game fans, the story of Magolor is worth buying and original. The base game is a classic Kirby (before Forgotten Land) nothing more, nothing less.

Reviewed on Jun 27, 2023
