Talk about a game that was almost the complete opposite of what I expected. For a while I have disliked the huge fetishization of retro games, as I felt like they put games in a stereotypical mold that I disliked a lot. I don't want video games to be a medium where the music associated with it has to be 8-bit tunes (which unfortunately is still the case, and chiptune-inspired albums or songs are still generally seen as being "video game inspired"). While it is true that 8-bit music has a very valuable place in video game music, this fetishization of everything retro risks obscuring more games with more modern sensibilities. Maybe not the games per se, but definitely the soundtrack. If you ask any layman to name a tune from a video game, he will most likely name the main Super Mario Bros. theme, or maybe the Legend of Zelda theme. This shows how modern video game soundtracks have unfortunately fallen in the shadow when it comes to the general population. But what does all of this have to do with Rain World, I hear you ask. Well, Rain World managed to completely shatter that expectation. I walked in expecting a retro-inspired game that would be fun for a very short time and came out at the other end having just played one of the most exciting, beautiful, unique and amazing games that I've ever played. I know that I've placed a lot of high scores for games recently, but it's probably just because I have played so many good games recently. But Rain World is definitely the best of these. I have never in my life played a game that emulates nature and the ecosystem as well as Rain World. I have never encountered something as beautiful as this game. I will admit that it was a bit rough in the start due to its extremely high difficulty, but as soon as I got into the game, I was completely hooked and never looked back since. The environments are simply incredible both to look at and to play in, as the levels are almost always extremely well designed. Some areas in particular, like Five Pebbles and Subterranean, are probably some of the coolest locations I've ever been to in a game. And it's not just the gameplay that is absolutely top notch. We are talking about a masterclass in sound design, which is so good that there is a YouTube channel dedicated to basically just uploading ambience from different locations in the game. And the soundtrack, which comes in once in a while, is always welcome, and provides a very strange but compelling mix of synthwave-styled stuff and more modern production styles. I always felt welcomed into the world every time I went back to the Shaded Citadel from Shoreline and that incredible trip-hop-ish tune started to play. So, to summarize: this is one of the best games I've ever played. Basically everything is absolutely top notch, and I would recommend it to anyone and everyone. The creators deserve the money, so buy it at full prize. You might not like it at first, but the environments and sheer beauty of the entire thing will keep you coming back most likely. What a game!

Reviewed on Aug 29, 2020
