I had been waiting for this game for years, ever since the first gameplay footages were shown. I was a bit worried at one point due to its long development cycle. But it finally came out, and now that I played it for over 100 hours, I can safely say this was well worth the excruciating wait. In fact, it's even better than I was initially anticipating.

Imma start off by saying that this is my first exposure to the Granblue franchise, I have not played the gacha, and never will since I hate gachas, which sucks because thanks to Relink, I really wanna dive deeper into the series' world and learn more about the characters (although I guess GBVSR will help a bit more with that at least). But yeah, I felt Relink did a fine job at introducing new players like me to its world thanks to its extensive glossary, the fate episodes- basically mini side-stories for each character in the roster- and the main story.

Speaking of the story, I thought it was fine, nothing out of the ordinary, but quite enjoyable from start to finish. Lots of cool moments and setpieces, the later chapters were especially great and the pacing felt just right : short but not too short (took me about 21 hours), while not overstaying its welcome. The main story may be short, but this isn't the whole game. In fact, it's basically just the tutorial. The real fun begins in the postgame...

Visually the game looks beautilful, reminds me a lot of Tales of Arise. The characters all look great animation-wise and some of the bosses' attacks are a sight to behold, I was blown away by some the cutscenes in the story as well. The ost goes crazy hard as well, this was my first exposure to Granblue music and it did not disappoint.

Before playing Relink, I actually had no idea what to expect from the game besides the action combat. So I was quite shocked (in a good way) when I came to the realization that I was basically playing a fucking Monster Hunter game. It's obviously not MonHun, but the gameplay loop, the quest progression, gear customization, coop aspect, all bear certain similarities that I couldn't unsee as a massive MH enjoyer.

Combat-wise, Relink kinda falls on the simpler side imo, but it's hella satisfying and more than makes up for that with its large roster of 19 playable characters (for now), all with their own moveset, fighting styles and unique abilities (comparable to MH's weapon classes, but not as complex), a deep gear system that allows for various different build for every character (just like MH), as well as the (mostly) fantastic boss fights with elaborate movesets and attack patterns that get stronger and more challenging as you climb up the quest ranks (JUST LIKE M-). I know I keep mentioning Monster Hunter, but don't misunderstand, these similarities I'm mentioning are mostly superficial. Relink's core combat is obviously nothing like MH, taking a much faster paced approach, as opposed to MH's slow and deliberate approach. The customization is just as extensive in its own unique way as well, with each character having 2 large skill trees and their own selection of upgradable weapons, a level up system, and so on...

If you're familiar with the quest system in MH or other games of that subgenre, then you'll see that Granblue Relink's also works similarly to those games. There are three ranks, withing each ranks you got different difficulty levels and as mentioned earlier, the bosses get stronger in higher ranks, and even get new moves in some cases. Getting to the higher ranks will require you to beat the main story. These quests can be done solo (either with CPU party member or entirely alone) or online, which once again works kinda like MH, you can create your session with your preferred settings, and then invite your friends or people you played with before. Wish you could also search for sessions, but apparently that's only an option on the PC version, which is fucking stupid.

With its amazing roster & satisfying combat, complemented by the incredible boss fights, its simple but enjoyable main story, incredibly extensive postgame and insane ost, Granblue Fantasy Relink easily semented itself as the best "MH-like" game I've ever played, as well as one of my favorite action RPGs, which I honestly wasn't expecting at all. I do have a few issues that I hope get fixed, such as not being able to search for Online sessions on console, the RNG being a bit too much in the endgame, as well as the recently announced paid item packs, and some smaller nitpicks. But overall, that game exceeded my expectations and was totally worth the long wait. I look forward to seeing how they handle the post-launch support (a bit worried about the paid item packs though) and honestly would buy a MH-style DLC expansion if they ever plan on making one.

(A MH collab would be peak too, just sayin')

Reviewed on Mar 10, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

And crossplay, cause there isn't any reason not to have it... but yeah, definitely agree with the review.