There's no video-game like Resident Evil 4 for me, in the way it balances horror, survival mechanics, action, set pieces and a wonderful array of enemies that all gels in a way that it never feels like it's suffering from identity crisis.

The remake not just brings life-quality improvements, but is bold enough to make changes to the combat system, and map. Certain areas from Village, feels expanded with more complex layout, and also gives room for exploration which brings it slightly closer to the classic survival horror, but also being action-packed. Certain encounters being replaced with newer ones, and MOST of them works better here.

The story opts for a more realistic route, and the side characters like Ashley and Luis reaps the benefit of the changes, having stronger dynamic with Leon, and going through their own arcs, which makes both of them more humane as characters. Krauser is a better antagonist this time around with the added backstory, and Saddler despite his minimal screen time feels a lot more menacing as a villain. Leon is more consistent with the RE2 version, but has all the traits that made him "badass" action hero from the original. He too is given more depth, being traumatized by past events which ties to to RE2's story, and has development. One-liners are back, and even more than earlier and a lot of them land. However, I will always have a soft-spot for the original Leon. In the original, where the storytelling felt like it took a backseat to the gameplay, this is the best improvement I can ask for as a die-hard fan.

However, it's bread-and-butter is still the combat which is ridiculously fun. The parrying complements the flow really well, and when pulled at perfect timing, it rewards with a kick, and feels immensely satisfying. The Ganados are more challenging to take down too, they stagger a lot less, and acts even more aggressive as a "mob" which balances out the new mechanics. It coasts through one set pieces after another, and the cinematic presentation gives it a more grander, epic scale. Krauser's boss fight is a BIG highlight, and even I loved the re-designed fight with Bella sisters in a small room, with Ganados pouring in, making it a lot more scarier, and iconic than the original. It feels addicting as hell, that on finishing it for the first time, I immediately hopped back for 2nd run.

Unlike Dead Space (2023) which adds small yet smart changes, that it remains mostly faithful, improves on it, and even replaces the original for me, this works better as a "re-interpretation". It's not perfect, Salazar's more serious persona, his less screen time and his new boss fight doesn't feel as fun as I hoped, and the Castle section feels more memorable as an overall package in the original. One can pick apart small changes, but on a stand-alone basis, it feels distinct enough to feel like a separate title, and yet familiar enough to be called "Resident Evil 4". It's quality stands side by side with the original for me, not replacing it is the reason why for me this is now the gold standard of remakes.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
